Duplicate Your Favorite Social Network Apps On IOS For Free. { NO JAILBREAK }
Thanks to the profile that I will present in this article, you will be able to duplicate WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, Line etc in order to sign-in in two different accounts running simultaneously in two applications using only one device. You will not need to log in and out constantly to enjoy your two accounts.
NOTE: For this tutorial we gonna use Zestia profile, we recommend not to get your UDID inside it and use the packages that do not require the use of your UDID for security reasons.
First open the link below for Safari to get the file hoster.
Once you reached the page, click on Install Zestia and you will be redirected to settings, press Install , and then finish entering your password.
Go back to your screen board and you will notice a new icon has been added. Click on Zetia app , and locate Tweaks.
There you will find a bunch of duplicated apps that can be downloaded directly to your device.
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